Financial Strategies for Retirees
April 25, 2023 @ 5:00 pm
You are cordially invited to join us for a Complimentary Educational Dinner Event featuring the Delaware Retiree Advisor.
If you have not joined us in the past, now would be a good time to attend this event, strategically designed to address the challenges you may face during retirement.
Seating is limited, so please guarantee your space by calling now to RSVP at 800-560-0912
There is also a Dinner Seminar option on Thursday, April 27th, 5 and 6:30pm options available
What do retirees need to be doing with their money to make their retirement both enjoyable and fulfilling?
Expand your vision for what an amazing retirement would look like for you and how to align your finances to live the experiences and accomplish the goals of your dreams. Learn strategies effective at this time for:
• How to use your money more effectively to increase your quality of life
• Get more, predictable income to enjoy your retirement
• Earning returns to combat inflation without the worry of market volatility
• Reducing the effect of taxes – the largest drain on your spending power
There is absolutely NO COST or Obligation. RSVP by calling: 1-800-560-0912
FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES AND NO PRODUCTS WILL BE SOLD AT THIS EVENT. Association of Financial Consultants (AFC) is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. AFC serves as an informational teaching resource for the general public. Association of Financial Consultants (AFC) is an all-volunteer non-compensated Non-Profit. Our mission is simple, offer high-quality education through free educational workshops and classes in a non-selling environment. AFC member fiduciaries and consultants are committed to public service. AFC acts as an educational resource for Americans who want to learn more about planning for their financial future. We offer educational workshops and classes at no cost or obligation to the attendees. This service is provided by AFC member fiduciaries and consultants in a completely non-selling environment. Our members are committed to ongoing education to help Americans educate themselves and understand complex financial topics through simple language and are bound by a Code of Conduct that demands integrity, accountability, and transparency. Our AFC member fiduciaries and consultants are licensed professionals and share a passion for educating individuals within their community. Our members donate their time and knowledge in classroom-style settings. AFC offers workshops and classes across the nation. Email us to get information on a workshop or class near you [email protected] or check us out at www.associationoffinancialconsultants.org