October 2021 – Strategies in Retirement You Should Try
While taxes are a fact of life, the amount you pay is NOT. How do you know if you're paying more than you should? Take time out to review the latest tips in our Series: "Retirement Savings Strategies You Should [...]
Top Financial Concerns of Retirees
Making the Most of Your Finances in Retirement Done correctly, financial planning will address all the financial decisions you need and will need to make throughout your life. It will eliminate concerns and worries you might have about your financial [...]
Pitfalls to Avoid in Retirement Planning
Helping You Get Financially Prepared for Retirement We all want a wonderful, worry-free retirement with enough money to achieve our Life Goals, Hopes and Dreams for this new season. Retirement should be a golden time. But failing to plan really [...]
Latter Life Checklist
Preparing and Planning in Retirement Latter life planning can be unpleasant to consider but avoiding the preparation for reality will not avoid the consequences of reality when they strike. Planning eliminates potential problems and conflicts regarding your needs at the [...]
Pay Less Taxes
Make Sure You Don't Pay More Than Is Needed It is always advisable to reduce your tax obligation using all the tax strategies available to you. Below are the most common strategies available to individuals who are retired or are [...]
Navigating the Medicare Maze
It's open enrollment time! AND this year, there are a lot of changes. We can help. Medicare is often a confusing and time-consuming topic. This year, that's more true than ever with the sweeping changes of the much-anticipated Inflation and [...]